本文最后更新于:2024年2月13日 晚上
Deep Feedforward Networks
We can think ofφas providing a set of features describing x, oras
providing a new representation for x. The question is then how to choose
the mapping φ。 1. generic
Gradient-Based Learning
neural networks are usuallytrained by using iterative, gradient-based optimizers that merely drive the costfunction to a very low value,For feedforward neural networks, it is important toinitialize all weights to small random values. The biases may be initialized to zeroor to small positive values
cost function
One recurring theme throughout neural network design is that the
gradient ofthe cost function must be large and predictable enough to
serve as a good guidefor the learning algorithm.Functions that saturate
(become very flat) underminethis objective because they make the gradient
become very small. In many casesthis happens because the activation
functions used to produce the output of thehidden units or the output
units saturate.The negative log-likelihood helps to avoid this
problem for many models.
One unusual property of the cross-entropy cost used to perform maximumlikelihood estimation is that it usually does not have a minimum value when appliedto the models commonly used in practice.
此外我们通常希望学习:在给定x的统计特征后,可以得到y的分布。神经网络通常是在学习being able to represent any functionffrom a wide class of functions,with this class being limited only by features such as continuity and boundedness,rather than by having a specific parametric form.wecan view the cost function as being afunctional rather than just a function. Afunctional is a mapping from functions to real numbers.We can thus think oflearning as choosing a function rather than merely choosing a set of parameters.We can design our cost functional to have its minimum occur at some specific function we desire.
变分理论(calculus of variations):
solving the optimizatin problem
Output Units
Linear Units for Gaussian Output
Sigmoid Units for Bernoulli Output Distributions
softmax units for multinoulli output
distributions:softmax functions are most used as the output of
a classifier,to represent the probability distribution over n different
class where